Designed for young fans of Gundam, this version of the All-Terrain Clog celebrates the popular Japanese sci-fi franchise. They feature a design inspired by the Mobile Suit Gundam, with a colorful print graphic, custom rivets, and Gundam Jibbitz charms. Plus, there’s a rugged outsole and an adjustable turbo strap featuring a Gundam-inspired design. With lightweight construction and Crocs comfort, they’re a fun and practical choice for parties and everyday wear. The Kids’ Gundam All Terrain Clog helps kids show off their passion for Gundam wherever they go. Kids’ Gundam All Terrain Clog Details:
Colorful Gundam-inspired print graphic and custom rivets
Included set of Gundam themed Jibbitz charms
Adjustable turbo heel straps help provide a snug, accommodating fit
Unique Gundam-inspired design on the heel straps
Rugged lug outsoles with enhanced tread for increased traction and support
Fully molded Croslite foam uppers
Designed to enhance breathability
Easy to clean and quick to dry
Customizable with Jibbitz charms
Iconic Crocs Comfort: Lightweight. Flexible. 360-degree comfort.
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